Consulting Projects

This page lists some major consulting projects that Peter has been working on. The geographical scope of the work is broad and covers Europe, Sub-saharan Africa, MENA, and East Asia. Many of the projects involved a field mission for consultation and information collection. On a sectoral basis, the activities fall broadly into the categories of small-scale cross-border trade, regional integration, and international competitiveness.

Small-Scale Cross-Border Trade

  • Regional and Small-Scale Cross Border Trade in Togo. Book Chapter. World Bank, 2023.
  • Small-Scale Cross-Border Trade in the Great Lakes Region: COVID Resilience and Value Chain Analysis. Policy Research Working Paper. World Bank, 2021-22.
  • Trade Patterns and Trade Networks in the Lake Chad Region. Technical Paper. World Bank, 2021-22.
  • Small-Scale Cross-Border Trade in Africa: How to Strengthen the Resilience of Development Linkages? Discussion paper. World Bank, 2020-21.
  • Monitoring Small-Scale Cross-Border Trade in Africa: Issues, Approaches, and Lessons. Working paper. World Bank, 2019-20.
  • Regional Field Surveys on Small-Scale Cross-Border Trade & Gender. Background papers for the Trade Facilitation West Africa Program. World Bank, 2019-20.

Regional Integration

  • Indicators to Monitor Regional Integration in COMESA: An Action Plan. Report for the COMESA Secretariat. World Bank, 2015/16.
  • Indicators to Monitor Deeper Regional Integration in Africa. Working paper. World Bank, 2013/14.
  • Facilitations des Echanges dans l’Espace de l’Union Economique et Monétaire de l’Afrique de l’Ouest. Background paper for the Rapport 2014 de la surveillance commerciale dans l’espace UEMOA. World Bank, 2014/15.
  • Sub-Regional Integration in West Africa: The Mano River Union. Background paper for the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study of Sierra Leone. World Bank, 2013.
  • Services Liberalization in ASEAN Countries: Impacts, Experiences and Lessons. Chapter for the ASEAN Services Integration Report. World Bank, 2012/13.
  • Trends and Patterns in ASEAN Services Trade. Chapter for the ASEAN Regional Integration Report. World Bank, 2012/13.

International Competitiveness

  • Exchange Rate Regimes in Arab Countries. Background paper for the UNESCWA Survey of Economic and Social Developments in the Arab Region. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, 2018.
  • Making the Business Environment More Supportive of Productivity. Chapter for the OECD Economic Survey of Belgium. OECD Economics Department, 2016/17.
  • Bulgaria: Analysis of Value-Added in Exports. Background paper for the World Bank report on "Productivity in Bulgaria: Trends and Options". World Bank, 2014.
  • Assessing International Competitiveness: Trade Outcome Analysis for Moldova. Background paper. World Bank, 2014.
  • Trade Competitiveness Diagnostics. E-learning toolkit. World Bank, 2012.